So Oasis got back together for a tour. The tickets were supposed to be out at 31th of August, at 9am London time, 10am my time in Germany. I sit down at the computer half an hour earlier and I get in a queue, that I didn’t know at the moment, but would take a long time.
Oasis is very nolstalgic for me, and since my friend Teo Dutra, who lives in Vancouver, was also up to watch and eventually meet in London next year, I told him “don’t worry, I’ll get us the tickets”, especially because the timezone in west Canada wouldn’t be favorable for him.
Two hours and a half later, it was still like that, less than halfway through:

a Queue
But I needed to go out help a friend move, so I opened it on my phone and… humm… another place in the queue:

On my phone
That would take another two and a half hours just to reach the point I was in my computer. So the chance I’ll get tickets is even lower.
But they do have a queue ID, what if I could transfer my session to my phone? So I opened the DevTools and found the cookies defined at the request headers for the page:

Capturing the cookies
It does look promising, I can find the queue id somewhere in that crazy amount of characters. Also I assume the session ID is also there somewhere, I don’t understand exactly how webservers keep remote user sessions, but there must be with the cookie, right?
Ok, next step, how do I set my phone’s cookies manually? I found a few extensions, but they wouldn’t work on phone. But hey, I can access the DevTools remotely, I’m familiar with it, been working on a Javascript game for a while now.
I found this answer online that explains how to do it, and it turns out it’s really easy:
'[cookies]'.split(';').forEach(c => document.cookie=c);
If I just run the code above with all those cookies from my computer in the console, it will set the mobile cookies.

Transferring the cookies
It worked perfectly. But one Victory a day is enough, huh? Many hours later, as I was helping my friend carry her stuff up three stories, I got to the beginning of the queue. Just to be… thrown to another queue!

the Queue
Turns out the first queue was just the queue for queue to shop. Or as the system calls a queue and the queue. Couple more hours and another update:

Finally… I guess?
At this point I had just a tiny bit of hope. I didn’t even know what the prices would be like. There was a chance I’d be presented with £500+ and I would just give up in the end. It was over 5pm and I was exhausted. Just to be surprised with this, a never-ending spinning wheel.

I think at this point all the tickets were gone
Fuck Oasis. At least I got to be rewarded with one of the best Schnitzels in Cologne and lots of cold Kölsch beer. I hardly ever go to big concerts like that and that’s one of the reasons.